Parent Support Resources

We’re glad you want to support our robotics team. Contributions of any type or size are greatly appreciated.

There are multiple ways you can contribute to our team.

However, please make sure that you have completed a school district background check if you plan to volunteer. You can find information here: and direct any questions to:

Supervision / Food Donation:

Coming into the shop to help supervise is welcome, to ensure safety of the kids. This also means that you are taking some of the burden off our hardworking mentors that have to commit immense amounts of their time to supervise our work. Please contact Jason Onoda for scheduling.

Additionally, hard work means hungry kids. If you can provide snacks, drinks, or even lunch on workdays, we guarantee it will be appreciated. 


Additional Monetary Support:

If you want go above and beyond in monetarily supporting us beyond paying for team dues, please view the instructions below.

To donate to a specific team by check, please remit to FIRST, Attn: Finance, 200 Bedford Street, Manchester, NH 03101 with the FIRST team number and location clearly noted in the memo line

To donate to a specific FIRST team by credit card, please call FIRST Finance at 1-800-871-8326 ext. 563



If you have professional expertise in mechanical design, computer assisted design, software development, or financial management, your knowledge and experience will be invaluable in mentoring students to enable our success. Send an email to Jason Onoda and briefly explain your background, experience, and degree of commitment.